
Welcome! This blog is a collaborative project between Room 4 Northcote Intermediate School in Aukland, New Zealand and 8th Grade Social Studies at Georgia Elementary and Middle School in Georgia , Vermont, USA. Please feel free to read, explore, and participate through the comments section.

Friday, November 14, 2014

First Snow in Georgia, Vermont

Last night at 7:00pm the snow started to fall from the sky.  It snowed all night and everybody in Georgia woke up to a bunch of snow on the ground. The snow is mainly on the ground and not on trees but it covered cars thy were not parked in a garage.  

What It's Like Here

Here at Georgia Elementary and Middle School, we are all really close to each other, we are all friends and there aren't to many arguments that happen here. Our school is pretty small but it's nice, we only have about 20 kids in each of our classes.
In Language Arts class, we are learning about different poets who came in the years past. We each are studying one poet and putting them all into a book called, Lives of Extraordinary Poets.
Our Math classes are different though, we have 2 different classes, an algebra class and a regular math class. It's not to much different just the amount of work and the difficulty of the problems are the only difference.
In Social Studies, we are studying the American Constitution. We are learning our rights as an American citizen, like have the right to religion, speech, press, etc.
Lastly, our Science class. We are working with different elements on the periodic table and doing different labs with them. One of our recent labs we covered a penny in zinc to make it silver, then made the penny look gold. It was pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day Ceremony

Today is  Veterans Day in the United States. We do have school on this holiday,  but we also take the time to honor those who have served in the armed forces to protect and defend our country.  This morning we boarded busses  for a short ride to Saint Albans, and joined other nearby schools for a short ceremony. Students had a large part in the ceremony and each school got to choose one speaker. Morgan, an 8th grade student here at Georgia School gave an excellent speech. Our teachers and students were invited by a school in Saint Albans that did much of the orgainizing to make it all happen. November is normally a cold and gray month here with rain and sometimes even snow. Today the weather was perfect, bright sunshine and blue sky!  The event was a great way to thank our veterans for their service and remember the sacrifices they have made throughout our history.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Greeting from Room4, Northcote Intermediate, Auckland, NZ

A warm greeting from Room4, Northcote Intermediate School, NZ. We are excited that we have this opportunity to connect with Mr. Hadd's 8th Grade Social Studies Class at Georgia Elementary and Middle School in Georgia, Vermont. This will be an amazing opportunity for us to find out more about yourselves, your culture and what its like to be a student at your country. We are happy to share with you what we do here in NZ. Thank you for letting us take part in this journey of learning. We cant wait to start sharing information with you.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Welcome from Georgia, Vermont, USA

Greetings from Mr. Hadd's 8th Grade Social Studies Class at Georgia Elementary and Middle School in Georgia, Vermont. We are excited that  Room 4 at Northcote Intermediate School in Aukland, New Zealand has agreed to connect with us.  The plan is to get started by having a student from our classes post to this blog each week on a topic involving our school, region, or country.  For example, sports, academics, current events, economics, traditions, etc.  All students will have the ability to participate through the comment section. I know we will learn much from each other.  I am looking forward discovering our similarities and differences.  New Zealand is 17 timezones ahead of Vermont, which means as we are ending our school day here in Georgia, the next school day begins in Aukland. Always a whole day ahead.  This may cause some delays in  our posts, and comments, but if we are all patient, this promises to be an amazing learning activity!

Mr. Hadd, Teacher
Georgia Elementary and Middle School.
Georgia, VT, USA